Thursday, 1 April 2010


Aims of game:

Building of positive self image

All ages (3 – 8 approx.) can succeed.

Giving and receiving positive feedback & encouragement

Helping others

Concentration and self control

Notes for parents:

ITQS games keep winning or competing down to a minimum.

Each child should feel special, simply by the fact that he is attempting to play.

Every child should get good feedback from the family when he tries hard.

Those who finish the game will feel their own accomplishments and success.

All ITQS games encourage the building of ' Trust, Care and Quiet,' whilst we play, and allow flexibility and creativity to have their place.

Materials needed for play:

Empty egg cartons of all sizes; colouring crayons; large pieces of coloured paper (you can colour white paper with the 4 colours); 3 small (rolled up paper) balls. Before the game starts some of you may wish to colour some of the indents of the egg cartons with 4 different colours, for example, red, yellow, blue & green. Some parts of the carton remain uncoloured.

How to Play:

Place the egg cartons on the floor with the indented side up, with the colours showing. Place pieces of coloured paper around the egg boxes on the floor. This time, the game can start with the youngest player going first and so on until the eldest player has the last turn.

In turn, each player has 3 ball throws to try to get a goal, a goal is when his ball lands on a piece of coloured paper or inside an indent (coloured or not) in the egg boxes.

The child can say which colours he got and if old enough to do so he can remember how many of each colour he scores till the end of the game. An adult or each child can write down the number of each colour scored by every player on a small separate piece of paper.

ONLY the child who has just finished throwing collects up the 3 balls and gives them to the next player, it is very important that others allow him to do so and no one else touches a ball out of turn. This way no one feels rushed or cheated from his turn or pace and self confidence grows.

Goals and "nearly" goals are all given a cheer or clap by the other supporters!

If you are able, in order for NO failure to be felt in this game, a rule can be added that any player who does not have one positive result with any of his 3 balls is allowed to continue throwing until at least ONE of his throws reaches a target.

Play the game for as many rounds as you have time always making sure the players have equal turns before you end.

Each child has his own score and colours written down for him at the end of the game

I hope you all enjoy this game, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Warm Regards, Pamela

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